Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is Ben Stein the Sasha Baron Cohen of the religious right?


Is Ben Stein the Sasha Baron Cohen of the religious right? With the soon to be released documentary, EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED , more than a few of the subjects interviewed for the film are feeling duped. Among them, Richard Dawkins has been the most vociferous, declaring that the film, and Ben Stein are a “creationist front.”

Ben Stein denied in the New York Times that he had misled anyone into appearing in the documentary: "I don't remember a single person asking me what the movie was about," he said.
I spoke by phone with Ben Stein on Sunday (after Church) to find out what the Sadam and Gamora are going on here.

Dennis Trainor, Jr.: Thank you for speaking with me. First off, tell me about the film.

Ben Stein: Neo-Darwinism has maintained a stranglehold within public education, suppressing all other theories on the origins of life - especially those that hint of a "designer". This film blows Neo-Darwinism out of the water.
DT: Neo Darwinism?
BS: Don’t get smart with me. Let me ask you something, when you die, what happens to your soul?
DT: I’m sure I don’t know-
BS: When your mother dies, you snot nosed little who set up this interview anyway- when your fucking mother dies, where does she go?
DT: Is now not a good time?
BS: I’m sorry. Let’s start over. Please understand I have been under stress. The press junket for this film has me feeling like one of the thieves at Golgotha.
DT: OK- let’s start over. Sincerely, what is Neo-Darwinism?
BS: What is your name again?
DT: Dennis Trainor.
BS: Ok Dennis, here is how this is going to go. You are going to stop speaking. I am going to give you some bullet points. You may quote those bullet points, and compose cute little questions around them at some later point when you are literally not sucking time away from my life. You may use... you may only quote the entirety of the following bullet points. Those are the terms. Understood.
DT: I am not sure how to respond to-
BS: Number one: Jesus was born of a virgin and he is the son of a God who created the earth in six days, resting on the seventh, and who later went on to sacrifice his only son so that we may be saved. Prove that wrong. You can’t. With modern science we can put a man on the moon and blow up Japanese cities with hard to pronounce names in a matter of seconds, but you can not prove, with your science, that the God I describe does not exists. Number two: There are great gaping wholes in the story of evolution on the one side and millions upon millions of people world wide who wake with the certainty of a merciful God, who created the universe. Third: Let’s just say that we don’t know for sure, but that one field of science that should be taught in schools is that of Intelligent Design, for it has as much credibility as your gorilla thing.
DT: I-
BS: you don’t get to speak yet. So you run along, you have the quotes from me you want. Create your little story. Do what you will. But know this: God is not only true, but truth itself.
DT: Why do you believe that one of the thieves was saved?
BS: I’m sorry?
DT: At Golgotha, Jesus dies on the cross.
BS: Do you doubt it?
DT: To his left and to his right there were thieves being crucified with him. All four disciples were supposed to be witnesses to the event, and their word, the word of the lord, is printed in the bible. Yet of the four, get this, only two even mention the thieves. Follow me? Of the two, only one says that a single thief was saved (the story taught in Church) and the other says that both thieves were damned (to hell, of course). Even the Bible reduces human life to a matter of chance. If these contradictions are the word of the lord, if these irreconcilable differences- evidenced here and in countless other places in the bible are the word of the creator of the universe than God help create the chaos and uncertainty in the world.
BS: I’m sorry, what is your name again?
DT: Dennis.
BS: Look, I can tell that you have never done any of these junket interviews for a film promotion, so I am going to spare you the intellectual eradication that I could visit upon you right now without the expenditure of effort that it takes to order my morning latte and simply leave you with this, off the record: it is a film. I’m selling tickets. And yes, I believe in God. Peace be with you.

Dennis Trainor, Jr is an author, playwright and is currently at work on celebrity profiles of Lisa Nova and Renee Zelwegger. This talk with Ben Stein is his first celebrity interview.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Super Trailer)


Wesleman said...

Stein comes across as a fairly decent sort to me, in a strictly bohemian grove kind of way.

Come to think of it, he even physically resembles Molech, the stone hoot owl.