Thursday, April 17, 2008


From I AM GLENN (my attorney), a little goodbye video.
Thanks much Glenn.



Yes, it is true. I have decided to call it quits. Throw in the towel. End my run for the presidency, and stop appearing in YouTube Videos. Thank you all who watched my videos. It has been a year. I hope you enjoyed it. I had a blast. I will continue to blog on a somewhat regular basis (only as a writer, no videos) as a contributor at the COCK AND THE BULL. I hope that those of you who enjoyed my videos will join me over there as well.
The top 10 reasons why I am finished with youtube videos:
10. I’m all out of opinions.
9 .I failed a random steroid test conducted of all YouTube partners.
8. MTV has filed a libel against me, still clinging to the lie that I never taped a one-person reality TV show for them in 1997.
7. Being this angry, for this long, is exhausting. I’m taking a job in marketing, opening up a 401K, and voting for Hillary. Get with it people.
6. Although most death threats I receive in my YouTube email box are just drunks with their dick in their hand, statistically speaking I am officially pushing my luck.
5. Men in black suits.
4. BillyBobJoe57 got screwed
3. 3. Contributions to No Cure for That/ “Support Davis Fleetwood for President” couldn’t cover my house account at the dollar store.

2. Even I think I have jumped the shark.
1. I’ll never be as good as Nalts.
So, again, a sincere thanks to all of the viewers who have been so supportive for the past year.

Friday, April 11, 2008

DAVIS 4 PREZ on the issues #1: THE BREAK-UP

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Gen Petraeus breaking with the War Pigs?

Thanks to Paul Jay of THE REAL NEWS for this breakdown:

Haazza Baton Award

Because every yin has a yang, now that I am giving out an ASSHAT of the week award, it seems only fair to be giving out the HAZZAA BATON AWARD:
WHAT? HAZZAA being a sound one makes when rejoicing and a baton being wielding by a maestro; usually signifying a master of a musical form but used here with the more general meaning of one who has mastered, if just for a moment, the art of life.
The Haazza Baton weekly award “aims to honor individuals or groups who produced “HAAZZA MOMENTS”: - moments that, in the judgment of this governing body (me) if they were to occur with more frequency, the world just might start spinning in the right direction. Furthermore, it is masterful work that is insightful, creative, and elegant; work marked by excellence in achievement, approach, and execution.

HAAZZAA BATON AWARD! - The funniest home videos are here

Is Ben Stein the Sasha Baron Cohen of the religious right?


Is Ben Stein the Sasha Baron Cohen of the religious right? With the soon to be released documentary, EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED , more than a few of the subjects interviewed for the film are feeling duped. Among them, Richard Dawkins has been the most vociferous, declaring that the film, and Ben Stein are a “creationist front.”

Ben Stein denied in the New York Times that he had misled anyone into appearing in the documentary: "I don't remember a single person asking me what the movie was about," he said.
I spoke by phone with Ben Stein on Sunday (after Church) to find out what the Sadam and Gamora are going on here.

Dennis Trainor, Jr.: Thank you for speaking with me. First off, tell me about the film.

Ben Stein: Neo-Darwinism has maintained a stranglehold within public education, suppressing all other theories on the origins of life - especially those that hint of a "designer". This film blows Neo-Darwinism out of the water.
DT: Neo Darwinism?
BS: Don’t get smart with me. Let me ask you something, when you die, what happens to your soul?
DT: I’m sure I don’t know-
BS: When your mother dies, you snot nosed little who set up this interview anyway- when your fucking mother dies, where does she go?
DT: Is now not a good time?
BS: I’m sorry. Let’s start over. Please understand I have been under stress. The press junket for this film has me feeling like one of the thieves at Golgotha.
DT: OK- let’s start over. Sincerely, what is Neo-Darwinism?
BS: What is your name again?
DT: Dennis Trainor.
BS: Ok Dennis, here is how this is going to go. You are going to stop speaking. I am going to give you some bullet points. You may quote those bullet points, and compose cute little questions around them at some later point when you are literally not sucking time away from my life. You may use... you may only quote the entirety of the following bullet points. Those are the terms. Understood.
DT: I am not sure how to respond to-
BS: Number one: Jesus was born of a virgin and he is the son of a God who created the earth in six days, resting on the seventh, and who later went on to sacrifice his only son so that we may be saved. Prove that wrong. You can’t. With modern science we can put a man on the moon and blow up Japanese cities with hard to pronounce names in a matter of seconds, but you can not prove, with your science, that the God I describe does not exists. Number two: There are great gaping wholes in the story of evolution on the one side and millions upon millions of people world wide who wake with the certainty of a merciful God, who created the universe. Third: Let’s just say that we don’t know for sure, but that one field of science that should be taught in schools is that of Intelligent Design, for it has as much credibility as your gorilla thing.
DT: I-
BS: you don’t get to speak yet. So you run along, you have the quotes from me you want. Create your little story. Do what you will. But know this: God is not only true, but truth itself.
DT: Why do you believe that one of the thieves was saved?
BS: I’m sorry?
DT: At Golgotha, Jesus dies on the cross.
BS: Do you doubt it?
DT: To his left and to his right there were thieves being crucified with him. All four disciples were supposed to be witnesses to the event, and their word, the word of the lord, is printed in the bible. Yet of the four, get this, only two even mention the thieves. Follow me? Of the two, only one says that a single thief was saved (the story taught in Church) and the other says that both thieves were damned (to hell, of course). Even the Bible reduces human life to a matter of chance. If these contradictions are the word of the lord, if these irreconcilable differences- evidenced here and in countless other places in the bible are the word of the creator of the universe than God help create the chaos and uncertainty in the world.
BS: I’m sorry, what is your name again?
DT: Dennis.
BS: Look, I can tell that you have never done any of these junket interviews for a film promotion, so I am going to spare you the intellectual eradication that I could visit upon you right now without the expenditure of effort that it takes to order my morning latte and simply leave you with this, off the record: it is a film. I’m selling tickets. And yes, I believe in God. Peace be with you.

Dennis Trainor, Jr is an author, playwright and is currently at work on celebrity profiles of Lisa Nova and Renee Zelwegger. This talk with Ben Stein is his first celebrity interview.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (Super Trailer)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Yes: One in Five in Iraq displaced, 1 in 3 without food, water, sanitation, shelter & need emergency aid, and 1 Million dead.

Monday, April 7, 2008

JESUS, PETRAEUS, and the stooges 3

Gen. Petraeus comes to DC this week. What would Jesus do?

In other religious news, did you catch the Ben Stein interview? Richard Dawkins has labeled Ben Stein, and his film, to be released on April 18th, a “creationist front.”

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mortgage Bankers Association finding it harder to pay its own mortgage


The Washington Post notes that last year, the “Mortgage Bankers Association was thrilled to sign a contract to buy a fancy new headquarters building in downtown Washington.” Since then, however, the group “has fallen on tough times as many of the subprime mortgages dispensed by some of its members proved dicey.” The result is that the group is now finding it “harder than it imagined to pay its own mortgage“:

Scheduled to close on the building in the coming weeks, the association will have to pay millions of dollars more than it would have a year ago when it contracted to buy the 160,000-square-foot structure — millions of dollars it is now less able to afford. […]
Critics also see irony — and some justice — in this predicament. “They are certainly getting what they deserve,” said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a liberal research group. “Mortgage bankers encouraged people to take out mortgages that were very risky, and the result of that was a large number of the mortgages went bad and caused mortgage interest rates to soar. Now they are the victims of high mortgage rates and chaos in the market more generally.”

The FBI Has Some Explaining to Do About King's Murder

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson - @ EARL OF HUTCHINSON

"Dangerous," "evil," "colossal fraud," were the choice terms that then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and other top FBI officials routinely spit out about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They didn't stop at name calling. They talked ominously of "neutralizing" him as an effective leader. And even more ominously they sent him a letter flatly saying "King you are done."
The FBI's name calling, paranoid harassment and violent threats brutally and disgustingly captured the secret and patently illegal wiretapping of King. This is not smoking gun proof that the FBI had a hand in King's murder. The tapes do raise the legitimate question: What did the FBI know and when did it know about possible attempts on King's life?
Americans certainly deserve to know the whole truth about the killing of King. But there are two truths about the murder. The first is painful for those who fervently believe that James Earl Ray was a Lee Harvey Oswald-type patsy and that the government orchestrated King's killing. Yet, the evidence is still overwhelming that Ray was the triggerman. His fingerprints were on the alleged murder weapon. He was at the crime scene, and he confessed. At different times before his death, Ray gave conflicting, confusing and muddled accounts of his activities and whereabouts at the time of the murder.
His protests of innocence and frame-ups sounded like a discredited man's desperate effort to salve his conscience, grab media attention, and cash in on the notoriety of the case. It worked. Ray's public trashing about on the King murder sent conspiracy buffs stampeding to the barricades shouting that the government killed King. The King family gave Ray's much belated feigning of innocence credence when Coretta Scott King took the stand on his behalf at a civil trial in Memphis in 1999.
The verdict of history stands that Ray killed King. But Ray's guilt, however, doesn't let the government off the hook, as the FBI wiretaps disgracefully show. Unfortunately, the other truth is that the House Select Committee on Assassination that investigated King's murder ordered the files sealed for fifty years. They are still sealed. So we don't really know what the FBI did or didn't do in the run-up to King's murder. The files just might answer many questions about the secret war the FBI waged against King from the late 1950's to his murder.
The assault on King was more than Hoover's acting out his paranoid obsessions against King. It was a war against the Black movement. Hoover decided that the cheap and dirty way to win that war was by discrediting the most respected and admired symbol of that movement.
Hoover assigned Assistant FBI director William Sullivan the dirty job of getting the goods on King. Sullivan branded King as the "most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation." In his book My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI, Sullivan described the inner circle of men assigned to get King. The group was made up of special agents mainly drawn from the Washington and Atlanta FBI offices. Their job was to monitor all of King's activities. Much of their dirty tactics are well known. They deluged him with wiretaps, physical surveillance, poison-pen letters, threats, harassment, intimidation, and smear sexual leaks to the media, and even at the time of his murder, Hoover had more plans to intensify the spy campaign against King. Decades later, Sullivan still publicly defended the FBI's war against him, and made no apology for it.
We know only the bare outline of what the FBI actually did to King in his final days. There are still a lot of dots that beg to be connected in the FBI's murky onslaught against King.
Then there's the actual assassination investigation. FBI officials who directed the illegal spy campaign against King and the FBI agent who played a major role in running the program in Atlanta were also involved in every phase of the assassination investigation. That raises even more questions about the scope, or lack thereof, of the investigation.
The re-opening of the King assassination won't uncover any solid evidence that the government had a deeper hand in King's death than is so far known. But full disclosure by government agencies involved in the investigation of King's assassination at the very least could allay some of the lingering doubts and suspicions that government agencies didn't tell the complete truth about King's murder.
However, even this won't absolve the FBI of its shameful, destructive, and illegal campaign against King. The climate of suspicion and hostility it helped nurture toward the civil rights movement made it possible for Ray to murder King. Forty years later, the FBI wiretaps still tell the sordid tale of a government agency out to destroy King at any and all costs.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His forthcoming book is The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House (Middle Passage Press, February 2008).

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Announcement

The Campaign begins

Your support is appreciated.

No Cure For That

"Endgame" by Samuel Beckett - Rick Cluchey as Hamm


This is my 5th attempt, in less than a year, to establish a blog or website. And it is my last. I promise. 

Ok, so I go through websites and blog templates like a horny, self described, post-feminist in her first semester in a coed dorm goes through the brotherhood of drunken, zit faced, Alpha Beta Greek something or others AND the sisterhood of Gamma bi Gamma (I mean, it is college, experimenting is OK. OK?) combined. Like the self-described post feminist, I feel no need to apologize. But I have learned from my experience, and my aim here, with this blog, is to simplify the experience, and give you all something that you can't get from me on youtube. 

As I have said before, The Hermit with Davis Fleetwood show, or video blog or whatever it is and will become, will conclude Nov. 5th, 2008; the day after the presidential election. For at least that long, I will stay with you on this simple blog. 

About 7 months left. What should we do with it?
-Davis Fleetwood

For those of you interested, a little contest: Who can write a "Mock Profile" for me? Not that any magazines are asking, mind you....yet. But I will let you write whatever you want, and will post some of the better ones on this site.

Email your ideas to

Here is what I had left over from the last website:

by Dennis Trainor, Jr.
 (now blogging at THE COCK AND THE BULL)

THE HERMIT is a seriously unserious, reverently irreverent, amoral moralists who is both brilliantly original and has a post-modern awareness- a frustration with the derivative nature of his creative output and critical thinking. Eye eee: This introduction, the attempt to summarize THWDF is a complete rip-off of a spoken word intro to the Nation of Ulysses song, The Sound of Jazz to Come. Of note here, or of footnote here, or perhaps of endnote here, but not any of those, but rather, here: The Sound of Jazz to Come was itself a kind of cover song, containing elements- or, at the very least, an homage, to John Coltrane's A Love Supreme. But I digress. The spoken word intro to the Sound of Jazz to come (from the album PLAYS PRETTY FOR BABY; Dischord records, 1992), which I will continue to appropriate, or steal, in a moment, was spoken by Ian Svenonius (or one of his sidekicks) in a deadpan that puts the Blues Brothers to shame, with a wit as dry as James Bond martini, was also stolen- er- appropriated from a Norwegian- American sociologist Thorstein Bunde Veblen (1857-1929). I mean- shit, how PUNK is that? This, then, is the spirit of Davis Fleetwood. 

What went into the making of THE HERMIT? There was his erudition, his job on an MTV reality TV show, now ten years past- a show notable in that it never aired, there is his stock of language, his lore in urban sagas, his ransacking of every literature. There is the precision with which he knows the homely and workday details of culture as well as the big abstraction, the ease with which he moves about in history from neolithic times to the report of the latest congressional committee. There is his wish to be, and the acceptance that it will never come to pass, Ian Svenonius circa 1991. And there only the slightest of winks as he simultaneously slings shit at the world, suffers your silly slings and arrows, and then, true to his Irish background- genetically predisposed to pugilism, he punches you in the gut with the truth.