Friday, April 4, 2008


This is my 5th attempt, in less than a year, to establish a blog or website. And it is my last. I promise. 

Ok, so I go through websites and blog templates like a horny, self described, post-feminist in her first semester in a coed dorm goes through the brotherhood of drunken, zit faced, Alpha Beta Greek something or others AND the sisterhood of Gamma bi Gamma (I mean, it is college, experimenting is OK. OK?) combined. Like the self-described post feminist, I feel no need to apologize. But I have learned from my experience, and my aim here, with this blog, is to simplify the experience, and give you all something that you can't get from me on youtube. 

As I have said before, The Hermit with Davis Fleetwood show, or video blog or whatever it is and will become, will conclude Nov. 5th, 2008; the day after the presidential election. For at least that long, I will stay with you on this simple blog. 

About 7 months left. What should we do with it?
-Davis Fleetwood

For those of you interested, a little contest: Who can write a "Mock Profile" for me? Not that any magazines are asking, mind you....yet. But I will let you write whatever you want, and will post some of the better ones on this site.

Email your ideas to

Here is what I had left over from the last website:

by Dennis Trainor, Jr.
 (now blogging at THE COCK AND THE BULL)

THE HERMIT is a seriously unserious, reverently irreverent, amoral moralists who is both brilliantly original and has a post-modern awareness- a frustration with the derivative nature of his creative output and critical thinking. Eye eee: This introduction, the attempt to summarize THWDF is a complete rip-off of a spoken word intro to the Nation of Ulysses song, The Sound of Jazz to Come. Of note here, or of footnote here, or perhaps of endnote here, but not any of those, but rather, here: The Sound of Jazz to Come was itself a kind of cover song, containing elements- or, at the very least, an homage, to John Coltrane's A Love Supreme. But I digress. The spoken word intro to the Sound of Jazz to come (from the album PLAYS PRETTY FOR BABY; Dischord records, 1992), which I will continue to appropriate, or steal, in a moment, was spoken by Ian Svenonius (or one of his sidekicks) in a deadpan that puts the Blues Brothers to shame, with a wit as dry as James Bond martini, was also stolen- er- appropriated from a Norwegian- American sociologist Thorstein Bunde Veblen (1857-1929). I mean- shit, how PUNK is that? This, then, is the spirit of Davis Fleetwood. 

What went into the making of THE HERMIT? There was his erudition, his job on an MTV reality TV show, now ten years past- a show notable in that it never aired, there is his stock of language, his lore in urban sagas, his ransacking of every literature. There is the precision with which he knows the homely and workday details of culture as well as the big abstraction, the ease with which he moves about in history from neolithic times to the report of the latest congressional committee. There is his wish to be, and the acceptance that it will never come to pass, Ian Svenonius circa 1991. And there only the slightest of winks as he simultaneously slings shit at the world, suffers your silly slings and arrows, and then, true to his Irish background- genetically predisposed to pugilism, he punches you in the gut with the truth.