Thursday, April 17, 2008



Yes, it is true. I have decided to call it quits. Throw in the towel. End my run for the presidency, and stop appearing in YouTube Videos. Thank you all who watched my videos. It has been a year. I hope you enjoyed it. I had a blast. I will continue to blog on a somewhat regular basis (only as a writer, no videos) as a contributor at the COCK AND THE BULL. I hope that those of you who enjoyed my videos will join me over there as well.
The top 10 reasons why I am finished with youtube videos:
10. I’m all out of opinions.
9 .I failed a random steroid test conducted of all YouTube partners.
8. MTV has filed a libel against me, still clinging to the lie that I never taped a one-person reality TV show for them in 1997.
7. Being this angry, for this long, is exhausting. I’m taking a job in marketing, opening up a 401K, and voting for Hillary. Get with it people.
6. Although most death threats I receive in my YouTube email box are just drunks with their dick in their hand, statistically speaking I am officially pushing my luck.
5. Men in black suits.
4. BillyBobJoe57 got screwed
3. 3. Contributions to No Cure for That/ “Support Davis Fleetwood for President” couldn’t cover my house account at the dollar store.

2. Even I think I have jumped the shark.
1. I’ll never be as good as Nalts.
So, again, a sincere thanks to all of the viewers who have been so supportive for the past year.


Percy said...

I hope this is just another joke on your part....
BUT if not..

you voice will be missed..

Thank You for the videos, the humor, the candor.

I will still NOT vote for Hillary..

the corporations always seem to win lately don't they?

Anarquista Informatico said...

I will miss you. I'm from Argentina, and i think that in what you say and what i think there's Synchronization. I admire you. Please, continue to be as sharp and unlimited for the consciousness of all mankind.

Stay Free, stay away.

Form my hermitage, south America.

Anarquista Informatico said...

*stay free, stay awake (my bad.. sorry) :D